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OUR OFFER: "The keys to develop my sport organisation"

At BeInnovActiv' our service offer -Coaching and supporting sports organisations: The keys to develop my sport organisation- is based on two main approaches:

From the idea to the project
Project management

BeInnovActiv’ is an invitation to think differently (sometimes what you need to find YOUR solution to a problem is as simple as taking another perspective) and take action.

We pay special attention to:

providing you with time

build upon mentorship and empowerment

opening up opportunities

We offer 2 types of collaboration:


Sharing of experiences and access to tested and approved tools.

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From the idea to the project

What if you could finally take action? Tools, tips and exercises to end procastination.

Project Management 360°

What if you could become an expert in project management? This training will equip you with the keys to succeed in both managing and communicating about your project.

Our goal: Give each participant (entrepreneur, volunteer, director, project manager) the opportunity to develop their skills in a unique and caring environment. Give sports and physical activity players the opportunity to better organize themselves and unleash their potential. Therefore in fine creating thriving & financially stable sports hubs – providing opportunities for people to broaden their horizons.


A “à la carte” programme. A unique experience to meet your needs. What if the Factor X was you?

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Get your ideas out of your head

Together let’s bring water to the mill of your ideas so that THIS project is born which makes you dream.

Dare to change!

Let’s find ways to innovate within your organisation by building on your strengths and areas of development.

Managing a project from A to Z

We are not born project leader, we become … but accompanied, we go further. Multiply your chances of a strike!

Our goal: To provide sports organisations with tools and tailor-made support such as project and change management by field experts.

Are you still hesitating?

It’s normal. We are here to answer your questions, do not hesitate to contact us by using our contact form.

Meanwhile you may also want to have a look at a random selection of productions:

European project

SWinG – Supporting Women in Achieving their Goals


Jan 2019 – Dec. 2021

#Management #Leadership #Creation

European conference

“Edutainment in and through sport sport”


Oct. 2013

#Organisation #Coverage #Facilitation

Tailor Made tool

ADVANCE – showcase the skills acquired through sport


Oct. 2018 – Dec 2019

#Development #Creation #Testing

Press Room

Webinar series on leadership & videos clips


Jan. 2019 – December 2020

#Videos #Interviews #AnimatedTool

Last but not least, what may matter most to you and what is the most important to us, is what THEY have to say about working with us:

Dream. Believe. Become

This is the path offered by BeInnovActiv’ to unleash the potentials of individuals and organisations. A path echoing this universal life needs for a strong idea, a motor (Dream.), an acceptance of personal and collective possibilities (Believe.) and the development of skills put into action (Become) …

We see an endless path, multiple possibilities and therefore a mantra without any endpoint.

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